Thursday, June 11, 2009

Life Meaningful big paper

To me my friends and family are still a big part in how meaningful my life is, but now im more open to new ideas/concepts, and seeing things into a new light. Like now I fully include death into my life, back then i didnt really like thinking much about death, since im alive right now and that was enough for me at that moment, and also i kinda feared death, but now i dont really, since its inescapable, might as well embrace the idea. So i dont really like put too much mind on how our society is going to collapse, whether it just going to an economic collapse or if its a collapse where theres destruction and chaos, since its too late now to really regret since people just arent going to stop doing what they are doing to same the society which they dont believe is truly collapsing. Not that i dont care, i do, i just dont worry about it much now, since whatever happens, is going to happen, and its likely that there will be a collapse, and theres no use in worrying, if worrying isnt going to do anything.

I also consider my health to be more important, back then I went out for fresh air, exercised, but now im more careful with what i eat, like i'll pick the more health food, and sometimes the organic whenever we can afford. Animals make my life meaningful, whether its food, or play mates, they're important in my life, and even though the animals are treated cruelly for the sake of us being able to have breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, i still cant really just change completely the way i eat, but i will try to eat free range chicken, where they at least were treated right, but right now i cant really change completely i'll slowly try. Also i 'll look at shampoo reviews/summaries that say its a free of animals cruelty.

I also value the animal in me, even though my parents dont believe we are animals, i believe we are, after all we evolved from animals, and theres not really any differences between us humans and non-human animals, we eat, shit, sleep, attract attention, are dangerous. I think now i'll be more "natural", like maybe i'll birth natural, with out having to deal with substance being put into my body to numb the pain, i mean, if the animals can do it, why cant we?.

Comparing to how meaningful my life was back then, it was more filled with worrying, and fears, since i didnt really have much knowledge in anything only in what people say, like "its the end of the world tomorrow" and i'd be having a panic attack, but now im more relaxed about its, more open, i'll listen to whatever ideas people may have, but there will need to be a lot of proof for me to actually believe, since now im not as believing as back then, i'll only accept an idea if theres plenty of evidence. Back then if you asked me how happy i am with my life from 1 - 10, i would've said 6, now i would say a 4 or 5, so you could say my life got more meaningless, but i'd like to view it more as i dont really care much now, and im being more realistic, like even though my friends and family do make me happy, its not like they're with me 24/7 and there are many things that make me see just how life isnt THAT meaningful, like if it was, then people would care more about the earth, about our food, about the animals. What would make life more meaningful, would be if people actually made a difference that benefitting for everyone, and everything, or that wont affect our world and ourselves negatively. Also if we didnt depend so much on things to do everything for us, its only making things worse, using us our oil, dirtying our food, which we eat, putting our whole trust on the farmers that gives us that food. Though i guess it really actually depends on the people, some just dont care, as all as they feel comfortable, and have all the things they enjoy, that how they make their life meaningful, like Andy Snyder said “Sometimes the way we determine the meaning of something is based on the function it serves in our lives".

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Collapse Assignment 2: Short and smart

Though most of us do not like to admit or believe in the fact that our society will eventually collapse, it will happen. From the Easter Island reading we did, the natives had used up all their resources, which is the reason for their collapse. They used up all their giant trees which they used for canoes to hunt for dolphins. We too are using too much of our trees, the population of trees are decreasing more and more.
There were also people who gained power by promising to "deliver prosperity and bountiful harvest" yet when it became noticeable that they weren't keeping their promises, they were overthrown and a war broke out which made "Easter's formerly complexly integrated society" collapse. Like us, we have people in power called presidents, and if they're promises aren't that would be the downfall for all society, which can result in having wars to get resources to get our society to rise higher.
Our society also using a lot of oil for everything cars, plastic, ect,. Peak oil is the problem of energy resource depletion, in the USA, we're already experienced our oil peak, and as we learned many times before, "what goes up, must come down", meaning that as time goes by we will have lesser oil, and if it keeps going, we'll eventually run out, unless we discover something else. If that happens then we wont much resources, because everything we own is made from oil, or was made by oil, like machine handling our food, will cause our society to collapse.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Food Paper

When we think of farms, we think of pigs, cows, chickens and other animals out in the ground eating their food outside in the fresh air, and being treated with care, since those animals will eventually become the food we will eat. That is nothing but a 'lie we tell ourselves where our food come from' (meatrix), in most farm the animals are cooped with each other with hardly any space to freely walk around, which can cause them to hurt each other from the lack of space, and also cause diseases, a way farmers try to decrease this problem, for example, they chopped off the beaks of chickens to prevent them from hurting each other, and they also give me a constant dose of antibiotics which can lead to development of antibiotic-resistant diseases. The workers treat them so harshly, like when the chickens, they high them up by the feet, and slit their throats even while being conscious. With the baby chick they throw them into boxes all on top of each other, which hurt the ones on the bottom, and they de-beak them at such a young age, and for the ones who look bad, they're throw away.

Monday, May 25, 2009

chapter 3 of Omnivore's Dilemma

In chapter three what i found interesting was clueless we are when how our food is handled and how different our care for our food is from other countries. I was surprise to read that they dropped the corn onto the ground, "floating in the puddles of rainwater, pancaked on the steel rails"(p.58). I would've thought farmers would care more for the food, since they're giving it away to stores were millions of people are buying them. This also shows how different we are from other countries, in Mexico you do onto leave corn on the ground "it is considered almost sacrilegious", and back then the Aztec never left corn on the ground in fear that god himself would punished them. yet here we are putting food we put in our mouth, on the ground, and yet we're always told to never eat things that been on the floor, kind of ironic really. This kind of makes me almost unsure of my food, i know we clean the food, but still to know they've been on the floor all dirty, give me an unpleasant feeling. How can be sure our food is safe to eat? how can farmers just be so careless with food? when were thought since we're little not to be wasteful.

to vincent - I honest think farmers should go back to go fashion farming when everything was done by hands, and with no chemicals, all natural. People now a days would do anything for money, evening if it means affecting what we eat. and i agree with the line "This shows how even the lowest food group as in corn affects the society highly when in trouble", when trouble hits, it hit everybody and everything, its like the domino affect really.

to kate - I know, people are always saying to be green, and save the earth and animals, yet we're turning every piece of free land we can find into anything that may be benefitting for us yet not the earth. Though farmers depend on how much land they need, because prices are rising and money is more important now, and they need more and more land in order to plant more corps. in the end the problem always seems to be money really.
i like how you mentioned something you knew alot about like the amazon rain forest. its good to connect things.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

list of food in the fridge

sweet beans
soy milk
ginger ale
hot sauce
peanut butter
whole wheat brian
rice raising pudding
orange juice
cranberry juice
baking soda

Looking at the list above, its somewhat healthy with all the vegetables and fruits, and grains. Shows that we're somewhat like in the middles, we eat healthy sometimes, and others we not as much. I honestly though the food in my fridge was going to be more fill with unhealthy food, because i dont really see my parents going in to take out a healthy snack, usually the baby carrots are untouched, until i notice them there. Which goes to show some of us dont really pay attention to whats in our fridge.

comments of other ppl's blog

To Rachel - sounds yummy, doesnt look that easy to me though, then again im not much of a cook, i guess thats not something someone who doesnt know how to cook well doesnt find simple. you should teach me lol

to Vincent - I like how you said that us americans are followers, and how you mention that americans just sit around not working off that fat

to Gavin - I like that you mention that us americans are gullible and i like the "that humans are little more than two-legged sheep, flocking as a herd to wherever the figurative 'man' leads them" line, its so true

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

easy recipe

Amazing Simple Thai Tofu

1 (14 ounce) package firm tofu, cut into 3/4 inch cubes
1/3 cup chopped green onion
1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger root
1/4 cup chunky peanut butter
3 tablespoons flaked coconut
sesame seeds


1)Heat olive oil and sesame oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium, and cook green onions for one minute. Add tofu, and continue cooking 4 minutes more, sprinkling with soy sauce halfway through. Gently stir in the peanut butter and ginger, being careful not to break the tofu, until well incorporated.

2)Remove from heat, and toss in coconut. Transfer to a serving dish, and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Nutritional Information:

Servings Per Recipe: 2
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 569
Total Fat: 41g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 357mg
Total Carbs: 21.2g
Dietary Fiber: 8.5g
Protein: 40.1g